"By the way is it a coincidence or do you also think that Heather looks a bit like Zooey???))"

"hey!! are you sure that's Annie on the first picture?? She looks terribly like Erika to me))) p.s. loved that "DUH" after Zooey's name)))"

"You know... I really liked your opinion! Perhaps because my vision was kinda blurred by the fact that I saw the first two movies at the age of 11 and 12...And so I considered them to be " the best" by"

"Wonderful List!!! It's really interesting to read and discover the games I wouldn't know otherwise! And this is one thing I like about this site - the lists like this one with vivid memories instead o"

"Nice Job! aaaand here is my question of the day!! which version of the first game do you prefer, SNES of Genesis?????"

"fabulous movies!)) but...um...excuse me but that last picture is from another Asterix movie! The actor who played Asterix himself was different in Cleopatra.."

"This is exactly how i imagined mobile versions of the favorite games and then they usually turned out to be quite different.."

"I love the vividness of the descriptions! I'm living through them as I read... You may also like New Vegas, it has even livelier world to explore, and is a bit harder..."

"Thanks a lot for this list!! I only tried Ricochet Infinite, but it's more than enough)) I'll come back later for some more "guidance".."